If you still havent upgraded your lawn to Drought Landscaping, your just crazy!

It cant be that hard of a decision to make
For homeowners that are still struggling to make a decision if drought landscaping is right for them, i have a few words.

1. Drought landscaping is beautiful if designed well. Homeowners have options from decomposed granite, gravel, pebbles, woodchips, and more. In addition to fillers, there are thousands of succulent types to choos from to make your lawn customized to look completely unique to you.

2. Drought Landscaping can help you avoid high cost penalties for watering your lawn. Utility companies are penalizing homeowners that water their lawns too often, or get passed a certain usage each month. Go drought friendly and avoid the penalties and rising costs of water.

3. Saving money with Drought Landscaping. Homeowners that are interested in saving on average $100.00 a month can save by going drought friendly. Thats a combined savings from reduction in water usage and regular gardening fees.

4. If only everyone cared about our planet as much as we do. Homeowners that love our planet Earth and want to do their part should take advantage of drought friendly landscaping. California was once a desert and its limited water sources are depleting. Conserving water will help our state and our planet.

How to get started?
The best way to get started is to visit our website www.innercityskylineinc.com and fill out our webform. Its important to include a phone number so we can follow up. We arrange a free quote, call you prior to arrival, and ensure you get a solid estimate for a custom drought landscaping design in Orange County.


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