3 Ways To Instantly Add Character To Your Home - Interior Home Painting
3 Ways To Instantly Add Character To your Home Adding character to a home has many significant value, and can add value, increase mood, and allow you to be as creative as you can possible be with just a few simple changes. Color and interior painting is the fastest and most affordable way to add depth and character to your home. I like many others, love my home. I love my home so much I even named it Bobkin. I know it might sound strange to name your home, but when you name something close to you, one adds a different level of connection to the object, or thing. I want even further and thought to myself how would Bobkin look. Thus i created 3 ways of instantly adding character to any home. Driven by attachment, I created this plan. Painting Strips for bedroom The image above is an example of what i mean by painting strips in your bedroom . A simple color would look great or just plain white is okay too but adding strips, you are instantly making som...