How to Save $700 on Window Upgrades in Anaheim | Santa Ana | Huntington Beach | Fountain Valley | Laguna Beach | Lake forest
Saving $700 on your energy efficient window upgrades If you are a homeowner interested in upgrading your windows, we love to meet you and go over your project in Southern California. We have options, financing, rebates and incentives for homeowners that want to save energy and upgrade windows. For Rebates: Consider The Energy Upgrade California. It is a government funded program helping homeowners upgrade their homes for the most efficiency. Energy upgrade California offers up to $3000 in combined rebates if you decided to make your home more energy efficient. Projects that are popular are the windows for homeowners. Other popular products we love are insulation, duct/air conditions and furnaces. For financing, we have options for homeowners that are looking to upgrade and sell the house, but have no upfront funds for the project. We have options with 3rd party financing companies with 0% interest. If a homeowner needs to ...