Stair Remodeling and Repairs in Orange County | Huntington Beach | Anaheim | Irvine | Orange | Santa Ana | Laguna Beach
Those who are interested in building new stairs, adding stairs, upgrading stairs, or remodeling should really consider reading this. New Stair Construction Like other remodeling projects, stair construction and design is a big part of Orange County. Their are multiple story homes in cities like Anaheim, Irvine, Orange, Santa Ana, and Huntington Beach. For new construction, homeowners need to consider where stairs should be placed and they can do this by consulting a General Contractor that is local and has done stair remodeling. Stair remodeling requires blue prints and design approval from the city. If its a new construction with a second story, approval for the second story is a must. Inner City Skyline (855) 751-4663 Carpenter Repairs Wood Staircases Those of us that have wooden stairs know that wood tends to break easier than metal. Hence as nice as it looks, maintenance is required to keep it looking fresh and intac...