2020 Popcorn Ceiling Removal Costs Los Angeles
2020 Popcorn Ceiling Removal Costs Los Angeles The average cost to remove and replace popcorn ceiling is between $1,549 and $3,540 with most homeowners spending approximately $2,400. Contractors typically charge between $1 - $3.5 per square foot of popcorn ceiling removal in Los Angeles . National Average cost for popcorn ceiling removal $1,710 Average Cost for Popcorn Ceiling (Acoustic Ceiling Removal) Los Angeles Average Cost for popcorn ceiling removal $2,400 Average Cost of Popcorn Ceiling Removal In Los Angeles Why Remove Popcorn Ceiling From Your Home In Los Angeles? Popcorn ceiling or also known as acoustic ceilings were popular in the 1940s and 1950s but today it reduces the value of your home especially in Los Angeles, CA. What is more concerning is the harmful health risk it presents itself when inhaled. Homeowners that have popcorn ceiling in Los Angeles is quickly replacing their ceiling with a custom drop ceiling, or simple drywall ceiling....